Art-Lar Armenia

By developing the trend of accounting services outsourcing, the company “Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” has acquired a huge clientele. Today the company has more than 150 employees and over 1000 clients. The company provides accounting, legal, HR management, consulting and 1C solutions services in a timely and accurate manner.

In 2015, "Art-Lar Finance and Accounting" became an exclusive member of Geneva Group International / GGI, a global alliance of independent accounting, consulting and legal firms. The membership allows us to broaden the geography of our activities, and to be more effective for our clients. We help our clients to connect with other GGI members in almost 120 countries of the world, thus assisting them to reach the international market.

In 2016, our company became one of the founding members of German Business Association / DWV. Together with DWV, we support the development of Armenian-German economic relations.



Our employees are highly qualified specialists, capable of bringing the accounting activity of any company to the top level. Their relationship with clients and colleagues is built on the basis of ethical and moral rules and integrity.

In-depth knowledge of finances and accounting, free orientation in the normative-legal area and work experience allow our employees to effectively offer outsource accounting and legal services to different companies.

Vacancy applicants pass several levels of interview and testing in "Art-Lar Finance and Accounting". Our company offers services of only highly qualified specialists. When offering professional services we are independent and honest, making objective business solutions.

Our company ensures confidentiality of information, received as a result of professional and business relationship. The activity of the company is based on the principles of law.



Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” is the official partner of "1C" company. Efficient activity of the automation department of “Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” is the guarantee of uninterrupted and smooth work flow of software support and significant acceleration of accounting processes. Information is the most valuable thing and the specifics of our activity include protection of information which can be more valuable than the technology itself. For this we ensure security of information and data protection using the up-to-date methods and approaches specifically designed for that purpose: reiterate back-up, usage of different media, cross storage, continuous control and monitoring.



We offer a wide range of services to companies of any scale. Different work models and service packages are at your disposal. You are free to choose the option you like and pay only for what is needed for your company. The specialists of “Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” also provide consultations on selecting the option which is most appropriate for your business.



We are grateful for your interest in our company and the possibility to present our services to your attention.
  • 156


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    Years of Experience

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Contact Info

  • "Art-Lar Finance & Accounting" LLC
  • +374 10 44-40-08  |  +374 60 52-27-27  |  +374 44 52-27-27  |  +374 98 52-27-27
  • +374 10 44-41-05
  • 48/2 Garegin Nzhdeh Str., Yerevan, 0026, RA

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