“Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” received the “International Quality Crown Award” from “Business Initiative Directions” (B.I.D.) international organization in London in 2013. The main purpose of B.I.D. is to spread the Quality culture in world’s leading companies.
The key working principle of “Art-Lar Finance and Accounting” Company is to ensure customer and employees satisfaction. We recognize Quality factor as integral for high competitiveness achievement.
We pledge to promote a culture of Quality among employees, suppliers and customers, guided by Total Quality Management Model QC100, based on the following principles:
1. The degree of customer satisfaction and positive outcomes of Company activities allow the assessing of Quality level.
2. To succeed Quality level in accordance with one hundred points of QC100 Quality Model.
3. To encourage teamwork in making responsible decisions.
4. To strive to meet customer needs and their expectations.
5. To involve human, technical and economic resources to achieve continuous progress. Respect for the environment.
6. To allocate human resources according to their qualifications.
7. To concentrate employees on the most profitable areas of production to achieve the best results.


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  • "Art-Lar Finance & Accounting" LLC
  • +374 10 44-40-08  |  +374 60 52-27-27  |  +374 44 52-27-27  |  +374 98 52-27-27
  • +374 10 44-41-05
  • 48/2 Garegin Nzhdeh Str., Yerevan, 0026, RA

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